The Power Purchase Agreement covers topics such as:
- Concepts of power purchasing and contracting
- Common terminology used in the agreements and their negotiation
- Typical payment structures and mechanisms
- Case studies on wind farms and solar farm PPAs
- Differences between physical power purchases, and virtual PPAs
- Examples of different types of Power Purchase Agreements
- Strategies in negotiating PPAs
The Power Purchase Agreement brings together:
- Business Development Managers
- Commercial Managers
- Negotiators
- Structured/Trade Finance Managers
- Contract/Agreements Specialists
- Projects Managers
- Investors
- Finance Controllers/Treasurers
- Business & Accounting Analysts
- Legal/Regulation/Compliance/ Policy Analysts
- Sales & Trading Managers
- Economists
- Corporate Planners
The next Power Purchase Agreement will be held on 27 Feb - 06 Mar, 2024.