Energy From Waste 2024 is a conference dedicated to the latest developments in the energy from waste industry.
Energy From Waste 2024 covers topics such as:
- Decarbonisation through CCS / CCUS - policies, financing, technologies and what it means for the industry
- Policies and developments for waste and resources, circular economy and net zero
- Circular economy aspects through resources and materials recovery from ashes and residues
- Increasing separation of feedstock and increasing use of plastics for high value outputs
- Development of highly efficient plants, technology advances, improvements to older plants
- Financing and investment trends for the sector and where investor interest is heading
- Advanced technologies for the production of gasses and fuels - technical insights, investor input, trends and markets
- Project delivery through a variety of EPC and EPCM structures
- Smaller and localised energy systems and the integration of waste to energy into regional and local decarbonisation
- Heat network development and the developing partnerships for successful delivery
- Growth markets in key locations
Energy From Waste 2024 brings together senior attendees with responsibilities in:
- Energy
- Waste
- Project delivery
- Technology