The 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2024) covers topics such as:
- Technological Issues in Education
- Mobile learning: Phones, Tablets&hellip
- E-Learning
- Blended Learning
- Apps for education
- Online/Virtual Laboratories
- Web classroom applications
- Managed Learning Environments (MLEs)
- Classroom and Laboratory: Integration
- Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- Identity Management
- Industry and Business Innovation
- Cloud Computing
- Augmented Reality
- ICT enhanced language teaching and learning
- ICT skills and competencies among teachers
- Research in Education
- Research on Technology in Education
- Educational Research Experiences
- Research Methodologies
- Links between Education and Research
- Engineering Research Centers
- Educational Software and Serious Games
- Experiences in Educational/Serious Games
- Educational Software experiences
- Videos for Learning
- 3D Applications and Virtual Reality
- Gamification
- Computer Supported Collaborative Work
- Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
- Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs)
- Social Media in Education
- Web 2.0 and Social Networking: Twitter, Blogs, Wikis &hellip
- Training the e-trainer
- Experiences in Web Technologies in Education
- Information networks
- Computer networks
- Wireless communications
- Wireless networks
- E-content Management and Development
- EPortfolios
- Knowledge Management experiences
- User-Generated Content
- Intellectual Property Rights and Plagiarism
- Open source and open content projects
- Digital Libraries and Repositories
- Service Science
- IT Services Management and Development
- Quality Assurance in Education
- Accreditation /Assessment processes
- Academic experiences and best practice contributions
- Learning analytics
- Quality standards at national and international level
- Quality assurance in education. Online Courses Accreditation
- Quality assurance in education. Virtual learning assessment
- Special Topics
- Virtual/Augmented reality
- Computational Thinking
- Image recognition
- Computer vision
- Distributed systems
- Image processing
- Optimization algorithms
- Database systems
- AR, VR and mixed reality
- Professional Learning
- Global Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Learning Sciences
- Learner Profiles
- Student-centered learning
- Digital Citizenship
- LSI designs
- Signal Processing
- Computers for Special Needs
- Ageing and Gerontechnology
- Accessibility
- Assessment and Profiling
- Ambient and Assisted Living (AAL), Internet of Things and Sensor Technology
- Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC)
- Assistive Technology (AT)
- Design for All (D4All) and Universal Design
- Cloud Computing
- EHealth - Medicine and Care
- EGovernment and eDemocracy
- ELearning and Education
- EInclusion, Policies and Legislation
- History in AT and eInclusion
- HCI and Non Classical Interfaces
- Social Innovation and (e) Service Delivery
- Labour Market Integration
- User centred Design and User Participation
- Usability and Ergonomics
The 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2024) will be held in Yamaguchi, Japan on 18-20 Mar 2024.