The 2nd Asia Conference on Knowledge and Innovation Management (ACKIM 2024) covers topics such as:
- Financing and commercializing innovation
- Technological Innovation, Product Innovation and Industrial Innovation
- Managing collaborative innovation
- Human resource management issues in innovation
- Service Science and Innovation
- Regional innovation systems, clusters and industrial networks
- Inovation and Management Issues within Multinational Corporations
- Sustainable Innovation and Technology Incubation Technological innovation, product innovation and industrial innovation
- Innovation for Sustainable Development
- Innovation and Management of Renewable Resources
- Innovation Policy and Management
- Innovation in Services, Logistics and Supply-chain Management
- Innovation in Architecture and Urban planning
- Innovation, Management and Technology
- Data/information extraction and integration
- Knowledge Management Processes
- Frequent itemsets and sequential pattern mining
- Management and Measurement of Intangibles
- Mining and representing text and semi-structured data
- Mining and representing temporal and spatial data
- Pre-processing, post-processing and visual data mining
- Mining and representing reviews, blogs & discussions
- Novel data mining algorithms
- Mining and representing data streams, web content, structure and usage data
- Social Networks and Psychological Tools for Knowledge Management
- Case Studies on Collaboration
- Technologies for Knowledge Sharing
- Data Mining (store/discover/propagate)
- Knowledge management and synthesis
- Link analysis and community discovery
- Explanation and Knowledge Provenance
The 2nd Asia Conference on Knowledge and Innovation Management (ACKIM 2024) will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on 19-21 Apr 2024.