The XXVII World Congress of Asthma provides an update on the epidemiology, physiopathology, clinical management and various other aspects of care of children and adults with asthma
The XXVII World Congress of Asthma covers topics such as:
- Asthma in the elderly
- Asthma: a disease of many phenotypes
- Asthma and obesity: what is the relationship?
- Occupational asthma
- Links between astma and rhinitis
- Biomarkers of treatment responses
- Basic principles of guidelines implementation
- Upper airway influences on lower airways
- How to address care gaps in primary care
- Translation of GINA strategy into care
- Management of asthma in pregnancy
- Emergency approach to asthma attacks in adults
- COPD Treatments as future Asthma Treatment
- Adherence to Treatment in Allergy, Asthma & COPD: a neglected issue
- Fixed airflow obstruction in Asthma
- Triple therapy (ICS + LABA + LAMA) popular in COPD but forbidden in Asthma
- LAMA in Asthma:
- Knowledge Translation in Health Care
- Tobacco in asthma and rhinitis
- New COPD Treatments
- Monoclonal antibodies
- Severe Asthma: a different phenotype or different phenotypes?
- PROTEOMICS: a step forward in understanding Asthma
- How does epithelial integrity protect against environmental insults
- Genetic factors and epigenetics
- Role of component resolved diagnostics
- Breakdown in epithelial protection in Rhinosinusitis
- Diagnostic genetic scores in personalising diagnoses of allergy and asthma
- Subphenotyping and endotyping asthma
- Biodiversity and allergic disease
- Pharmacogenetics in deciding treatment options
- The changing microbiome and allergy
- What is climate change doing to our environment in relation to allergy trends?
- The role of infection in asthma exacerbations
- Smoking Cessation – Essential part of asthma treatment
- New biologic agents for treating severe asthma
- Allergens in acute asthma exacerbations
- Clusters and biomarkers of severe asthma in adults
- Prenatal and early life gene/ environmental programming
- Chronic rhinosinusitis and asthma in childhood. How to deal with it?
- Allergic and non allergic rhinitis in children under 5
- Predictive risk of rhinitis for asthma in children
- Risk factors for wheezing/asthma in infants
- Severe Paediatric asthma
- Pulmonary function in infants and its contribution for the diagnose of asthma
- Asthma and obesity: association or epiphenomenon
- Managing severe asthma in childhood
- Are COPD starting in infants?
- Lung function decline: when does it start?
- PAPA: Prevention of Allergy, Prevention of Asthma
- The MEDALL project: mechanisms of allergy
- Inflammatory markers of asthma and children
- Measuring lung function in children
- The aerosol therapy and lung deposition in children
- Genome-wide association influencing allergic sensitization
- What is the role of bacteria in airway inflammation and wheezing?
The XXVII World Congress of Asthma brings together clinicians, researchers, and allied health professionals interested in asthma.
The XXVII World Congress of Asthma might be held in 2025.