The ICIPCL 2024: International Conference on Intellectual Property and Competition Law covers topics such as:
- History of competition law
- Competition law
- Coercive monopoly
- Monopoly
- Barriers to entry
- Natural monopoly
- Market concentration
- Herfindahl–Hirschman Index
- SSNIP test
- Market power
- Merger control
- Relevant market
- Monopolization
- Anti-competitive practices
- Formation of cartels
- Collusion
- Bid rigging
- Price fixing
- Refusal to deal
- Product bundling and tying
- Essential facilities
- Group boycott
- Dividing territories
- Exclusive dealing
- Predatory pricing
- Conscious parallelism
- Enforcement authorities and organizations
- Misuse of patents and copyrights
The ICIPCL 2024: International Conference on Intellectual Property and Competition Law will be held in Stockholm, Sweden as well as online on 15-16 Jul 2024.