The 19th world Convention on Waste Recycling and Reuse covers topics such as:
- Food and Catering waste recycling
- Biomass and Bio energy
- E-waste recycling
- Chemical waste recycling
- Paper recycling
- Plastic waste recycling
- Industrial waste recycling
- Rubber recycling
- Hazardous waste management
- Domestic waste management
- Solid waste management
- Waste to energy
- Special Session: Engineering a Green world
- Recycling Business
The 19th world Convention on Waste Recycling and Reuse brings together:
- Research Scientists
- Recycling Associations
- Recycling Researchers
- Recycling Industries
- Environmental Academia’s
- Business Entrepreneurs
- Green Energy Training Institutes
- Ecologists
- Environmental Engineers
- Chemical Engineers
- Chemical Industries
- Waste Management Associations
The 19th world Convention on Waste Recycling and Reuse will be held in Madrid, Spain on 04-06 Apr 2024.