The ICBBM 2024: International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Materials covers topics such as:
- Biomimetic materials: properties and processing
- Biomimetic materials
- History of biomimetic materials
- Biomimetic materials research and experiments
- Biomimetic approach in inorganic material chemistry
- Biomimetic materials for tissue engineering
- Biomimetic biodegradability
- Biomimetic materials synthesis
- Nano-fibrous materials
- Biomimetic mechanical properties
- Cell material interaction and mineralized biology
- Biological effects of nano-fibrous architecture
- Biofouling and anti-adhesive coating
- Application of biomimetic materials
- Biomimetic synthesis
- Encapsulation and bioelastomeric membranes
- Structures and processes of biomimetic materials
- Molecular biomimetic
- Economic impact of biomimetic materials
- Biologically inspired engineering
- Application and performance of bioinspired devices
- Concepts and strategies to fabricate bioinspired materials
- Processing and application of biomimetic surfaces
- Structure and mechanics of biological and bioinspired materials
- Cellular materials and bioinspired lightweight construction
- Self-assembly, biomineralization, and hierarchical organization
- Biomechanics including movement, locomotion, and fluidics
- Smart materials
- Simulation of bioinspired materials at all length scales
- Modeling of structure-property relations
The ICBBM 2024: International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Materials will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on 15-16 Apr 2024.