The 5th Annual Best Practices for Stress Testing in Financial Institutions is dedicated to enhancements of current stress testing strategies to increase efficiency.
The 5th Annual Best Practices for Stress Testing in Financial Institutions covers topics such as:
- Success stories on practical application of regulatory stress testing results in business decisions
- The latest changes in capital stress testing regulations to prepare for the next season of stress testing
- Your enterprise-wide stress testing to manage risk in multiple aspects of your business
- Stress testing frameworks to effectively govern the new risks in the current market
- Assess your readiness for climate stress testing
- Repurpose the results of stress tests to improve risk management practices
The 5th Annual Best Practices for Stress Testing in Financial Institutions brings together senior attendees with responsibilities in:
- Enterprise Stress Testing
- Stress Testing
- CCAR Stress Testing
- Internal Audit
- CRO – budget holder
- Enterprise Risk Management
The 5th Annual Best Practices for Stress Testing in Financial Institutions is being held in New York City, United States on 24-26 Jan 2024.