The 35th Annual Police, Fire, EMS & Municipal Employee Pension and Benefits Seminar covers topics such as:
- Evaluation of the Fixed Income and Credit Markets
- Risk Measurement to Risk Management: Things to Consider in Your Asset Allocation Practices
- The State of the U.S. Retirement System: Challenges That Pensions are facing; Past, Present and Future
- Consultant and Actuary Roundtable Q &A
- International & Emerging Markets Overview
- Municipal Bankruptcy
- Ongoing Education for Plan Fiduciaries and Participants
- Identifying Promising Investment Opportunities for Institutional Investors: New Styles and Strategies for Investing
- The Future of Hedge Funds/Fund of Funds
- PBA Officers Roundtable:
- Trends for Investing in Real Estate and Real Assets
- Investing in Private Equity
The 35th Annual Police, Fire, EMS & Municipal Employee Pension and Benefits Seminar brings together:
- Consultants
- Attorneys
- Benefit Companies
- Private Equity
- Taft Hartley Reps – Trustee, Administrators, Commissioners, Staff
- Hedge Funds
- Pension Rep – Trustee, Administrators, Commissioners, Staff
- Fund of Funds
- Real Estate Managers
- Insurance Companies
- Public Service Administrative Providers
- Equity Managers
- Venture Capitalists
- Accountants